
Lauren Conrad Ombre celebrity wigs

The strong layering Lauren Conrad Ombre celebrity wigs will not want to miss. Structured design, so that the Lauren Conrad wigs become more modeling of beauty. 

Blonde celebrity wigs with bangs, the structured feeling particularly rich sense of style, but without losing the mature beauty of women, it is suitable intellectual girls. Ombre celebrity wigs inverted triangle showing the three-dimensional level, two-tone wigs obvious, less to the heavy sense of burden. 

Lauren Conrad wavy wigs bangs obscured some of the contours of the face to achieve the effect of heart shaped face, dip-dye style but the color was white with a slightly heavy feeling plus level Lauren Conrad celebrity wigs, modeling full. More fluffy. Fine wigs feeling fresh and clean haircut with level, easily rendered temperament beauty of people seriously concept sigh 

Through appropriate outside Alice bangs hair tail wavy wigs effect, create a playful and lovely feeling bangs and the whole celebrity wigs fusion facial contour to a smaller the thick wavy without affecting the shape of the aesthetic, to create a feeling of abundance to the reflection under shape becomes more full. Biased in favor of the vision of the two-tone glossy beauty, showing precise fashion 

Material: Synthetic fiber of 100% Kanekalon 

Length: 16 " 

Cap size: 22 " 

Product Highlights: Breathable, was tied to braid.Looks very natural and feels like that.Comfortable wearing due to its light weigth.Easy to wash.

Orignal From: Lauren Conrad Ombre celebrity wigs

